Ordering a translation
Write to us about your translation request, and we will respond within a business day!
The inquiry should be as accurate as possible, so please inform us of everything you consider essential for the completion of the work when requesting a translation quote or ordering a translation (expectations, wishes, hints, terminology, etc.).
- In the case of translation, the language pairs, the purpose of the translation, the deadline, the customer’s information, other wishes (text structure, layout, format of the output file, etc.). If possible, also attach the text to be translated (confidentiality guaranteed!). Supporting materials are always welcome, especially for specific translations.
- In the case of interpretations, the place, dates and times of the occurrence, language pairs, topic, type of interpretation (e.g., consecutive or simultaneous), number of participants, information on the event, etc. In addition, it is advisable to send us supporting material related to the topic of the translation. Please contact us for translation requests as soon as a translation need arises.
- We work Mon-Fri 8am – 5pm In exceptional cases, we can also help with urgent work during the weekend.